• Sorry for the family dilemma you're having. How aware are you of your finances? Try to see things from his perspective: it's really rather nice that he's concerned about money, seeing as how babies cost money, then turn into kids and cost more, then turn into teens and before you know it, you really need to hit the lottery. I don't know if he's considered your side either, but think, would he enjoy the news that you are expecting again? It's something that is wonderful when all parties are happy. You may want a baby now, but how happy would you be if your husband wasn't happy about it? It may feel like a burden. Your hormones will be all over the place and he may or may not be supportive. You may end up feeling let down. He should condsider your happiness too. He needs to weigh it all out. How badly does he not want a baby, is it like a 1 or a 2? And how badly does his wife want a baby like an 8 or 9? Sounds like you just need someone to talk to first, and hey, maybe he's not saying, 'no', maybe he's just saying 'not right now'. You've probably already done it, but talk to him and see where he stands, if his stance is no way or just wait a little while. This could really take a yucky turn for you, if he is stressed. You'll need him for support and want him to be happy with you. If he's not, you probably won't regret the baby, but you won't get to enjoy your pregnancy and everyone woman deserves to enjoy her pregnancy.

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