• It takes 8.5 minutes for light to reach us from the sun
  • It would benefit you to know what the speed of light and all electromagnetic radiation is in a vacuum is approximately 186,282.397 miles per second, or 670,616,629.384 miles per hour, or almost one foot per nanosecond. The our sun is the closest "star" to our planet, and the exact amount of time it takes to reach is varies from day to day because because the earth's orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle. However, if you are interested in the average time light takes to reach earth, then 8.5 minutes is as good answer. If you are interested in how long it takes from light from the closest star outside of our solar system to reach earth you have to look at a trinary star system known as Alpha Centauri. A tinnary star system is a system of three individual stars that are gravitationally bound to one another in such a way that each star orbits one another is a cosmic ballet. Of this system, the closets star is known as Proxima Centauri, also known as V645 Cen whose distance is 4.2 LY (light Years). A light year is the distance that light travels in the near vacuum of space during the course of 365 days which is roughly 5,873,012,352,000 miles (5.9 Trillion miles). The second and third clsoests star is Rigil Centaurus, known as Alpha Cen A, and Alpha Cen B whom both are located at a distance of 4.3 LY. Now it is of special interest to know that Alpha Cen A is a GV2 Spectral Type star. The exact type of star that our own sun is. The next closest star is Benard's star at 6.0 LY and then Wolf 359 at 7.7 LY. Now for you Star Trek fans, Wolf 359 is the location of the famous battle between the Borg and the Federation.
  • According to the speed of a shuttle, which is 40000 km/h it takes 113372 years and 9 months to get to Proxima Centauri. the same amount of time in the past we were still living in caves, so do not consider it possible.
  • about 4.3 years I think. Alpha Centauri I believe.
  • NO it takes 4.3 light years

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