• Some do and some do not. Much of what we consider classical ancient literature is really a retelling of ancient pagan stories much in the same way as the Old Testament. They were just never gathered together and bound as the Bible has been. Shame, really.
  • Heathens use the Norse Eddas and Sagas as sources for spiritual guidance. We don't hold them in as high esteem as Christians, Jew and Muslims do theirs, but they are an important source of knowledge.
  • Nah, we have YouTube.
  • You mean like back issues of the National Lampoon?! ;-)
  • Many pagans keep grimoires which act as a sort of spiritual journal
  • That depends on the pagan faith.
  • Some Pagan traditions do. Others have been, until fairly modern times, primarily oral traditions. There are really no codified, canonical scriptural collections like the Talmud, the Bible, the Quran or the Pali Canon of the Buddhists. On the other hand, most serious Pagans tend toward research and scholarship in their respective traditions and, since wisdom is where you find it, have a vast array of ancient texts from a number of traditions from which to draw.
  • for the most of the time it is the book of shadows which is something you personally write. but there are some out there that have old scriptures in them. you can find those at the library.

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