• You don't. The milotic is the evolved form of feebas, which evolves when its beauty is maxed out but the other 4 attributes are not.
  • I had tried making it using exp.share it seems that it could not work the only thing that can make it evolve is to get a berry which has a dry type berry(just go to check tag)and you will see that chesto berry and some other berry like kelpsy will work.I think that once the beauty is max you go to slateport city and talk to the president he should give you a scarf and just level up 1 and you will get a milotic but to get milotic you need to capture at route 119 and when you see a fisher man you just go to the far end of the sand and you use super rod but be warned you will get a carrvannah but dont worry you just keep fishing until you see a feebas you need to get at a male and female just incase if you battle you put two feebas must be male and female after some time an old man will give you an egge keep on walking until you see the word huh or huhn then go to lilycove city and go inside the contest room if you lucky you will get to see the master not the master in the berry master but a master in poke block but if you dont see go to the people in a group of three after you get a blue max it out and go to the president and just level up 1 and it should evolved

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