• Rock in a rocking chair. It sounds crazy but it worked within 12 hours during labor for my wife and I.
  • OH you mean a potential sunny side up baby? When that happens you really need to get it changed otherwise it can lead to what they call back labor. It's very painful, and can last a long time:-( But most babies, something like 85% will turn during labor. First off, avoid sitting back in a chair. Seat yourself so that your belly is hanging in front of you, or lay on your side leaning slightly forward. This will encourage your baby to flip with his spine to the front. The idea is that the baby's heaviest part will settle in what's lowest. So you are trying to get your belly lower than your back so he will settle in that area instead. If your back is lower than your stomach like if you are lying on your back or leaning back in a chair, the baby will stay with his back towards your back and still sunny side up. Swimming or using a Birth Ball is also good to place the baby in a good position. And if you can do it, crawling around on your hands and knees can work, too. And take a look at this article about fetal positioning by a Shiatsu practitioner. MY husband was a massage therapist and a shiatsu teacher as well and he says it's very effective for pregnancies. He's even delivered a baby using it:-)

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