• Theoretically, as a social/economic system, it is not. However, it requires a substantial increase in the civilizing of the human race before it can work. Communism requires complete cooperation. Communism is the idea of a free society with no division or alienation, where humanity is free from oppression and scarcity. A communist society would have no governments, countries, or class divisions. What went wrong with so-called communism in recent experiments is that a few people took control of the power, and the spirit of cooperation disappered.
  • Not at all. In a perfect world, Communism'd be great. Unfortunately, this world (and its inhabitants) is far from perfect. The trouble with Communism is that it takes only one corrupt individual to bring the whole thing crashing down and, frankly, I don't like humanity's odds.
  • Anything that results in the suppression of the human spirit is bad, so yes.
  • It is good in theory, but like many answers have said, it is against human nature. I recommend reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" for a basic look of how it should work and usually fails.
  • No, for that is why communism allows China to kill off their own people with POOR safety work laws. Liberty from Liberty is bondage, and given we already have liberty here in the US, and the liberals want more liberty, we are headed toward communism.

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