• The song "Summertime" was written by George Gershwin and later covered by Herbie Mann. Then that version was sampled by Sublime and renamed "Doin' Time" to create a loose cover of the original. Wyclef Jean then did a remix of the Sublime version.
  • Difficult to say, because there are a huge number of covers of this song. 1) "A famous lullaby is "Summertime" from the Porgy and Bess musical of 1935. Sometimes it is also referred to as the Gershwin Lullaby. Although many of the jazz improvizations of this song have "wild chromaticism", the original is quite soothing, and somewhat slow and melancholy, in natural minor. Gershwin was actually inspired to write the song after hearing a Ukrainian lullaby, Oi Khodyt Son Kolo Vikon (A Dream Passes by the Window) in 1926. The recurring gentle rocking back and forth between A-minor 6th and E-seventh, in the orchestral strings version, is simultaneously both sad and comforting. Additionally, many parents sing this song (unaccompanied) to their children, at bed time." Source and further information: 2) "It is widely believed that "Summertime" ties with The Beatles' "Yesterday" as one of the most recorded songs in popular music, with an estimated 2,600 different versions recorded. Due to its popularity, "Summertime" has been recorded in many different languages, and on many different instruments." Source and further information: 3) List of more than 4000 cover-versions of Summertime: Here some of the sung versions: Billie Holiday - Summertime Summertime - Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong Janis Joplin - Summertime (Live Gröna Lund 1969)
  • Hi, has taken me a week to source the singer, but I think that you will find that jason rebello is the composer of the version you are looking for. Cheers Craig.

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