• Green urine? You listed the causes of green urine. Abdominal pain is another story, so too the changes in your bowl movements. I'm assuming that the pain is constant and that the bowl movement changes have been over a period of days. How did you treat the constipation? How did you treat the diarrhea? What kind and were exactly is the abdominal pain? Does it hurt when I press here? How bout here? What about if I push right there? Any fever? Any other changes in your urine - has it been more cloudy, less cloudy? smelling strongly? ---> See here is the real problem, your 'short list' of symptoms can be applied to several or many conditions (except the green urine ) each potential condition needs to be ruled out by examination, and gathering more information from you. There is Pseudomonas infection. It is caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When infecting bladder, kidney, urinary tract it can lead to a greenish sort of color to the urine (Unless you were talking about Saint Paddy's Day Green Beer kind of green). But here is the catch, you need to have been in a serious illness sort of situation, hospitalized, immune suppressed or have been recently given a broad spectrum antibiotic to be a contender for this opportunistic critter. Another cause is: Or the chemical process thereof. What this boils down to is tests - something we can not do here. A doctor will play 20 questions with you, ask you seemingly unrelated questions to ferret out the problem. Since this is affecting waste management (bowel and urinary tract) it should be attended to by a physician soonest.

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