• Fast food is always good. Some Targets and Walmarts will hire 15 yr olds, but regadlss your responsibilities are limited due to your age.
  • Groccery stores often hire 15 year olds as baggers and possibly stockers. But the best job is at movie theatres. They have lots of opportunities for advancement plus you get to see free movies.
  • yes, lots
  • I worked at a hair salon when I was 14, washing hair, It was pretty fun. But I'm not sure where a 15 year old can get a job these days, except like someone else said a gerocrie store.
  • Grocery stores are the best place, but check your local newspapers or free classifieds and I would bet you will see jobs for 15 year olds. Use the Yellow Pages and the phone and call to see if they have any openings. Sometimes, if you have a willing person to drive you around, going in-person (dressed so you look like a responsible 15 year old someone would want to hire) and asking to speak to the owner, manager or person in charge of hiring is wiser. They can size you up, you can size the job and them up, and if it works, you can fill out your form right then and there. I have seen 15-16 year olds filling out forms at my grocery many times in the manager's office. Chances are good if you can be reliable and on time, you will be hired and kept on, as long as you continue to do what they ask and are friendly and polite to your bosses and the customers.
  • movie theaters usually hire 15 year olds
  • Mcdonalds, food sucks, but it helps deveop work ethic.
  • You can always find a job at the mall,there you can have more of a selection.
  • I'm working on being emancipated from my parents right now because I am about to turn 15. I really need to find a job that will help get me emancipated and it has to be a steady job that's easy to work around school. Does anyone know of anything?
  • really any place, as the others say grocery stores, movies...etc... but really any where, make sure u have ur workign papers filled out by ur guideness counserlor
  • Lots of place in KY hire 15 year olds. You can look at any fast food places, grocerys, florists,and if you like to work outside there is mowing,walking dogs,and the dreded babysitting. I use to wash cars and made lots of extra money when I was that age. Lots of people will pay you good to wash their decks and even paint for them. If you are in a country area that has farming and tobacco there is lots of jobs available.
  • Yea Boi!
  • I motha fuckin wish there was. Then stupid ass people wonder why young people are selling drugs and their bodys. jaclyn s. Waterford MI. 15 YEARS OLD
  • only cash in hand jobs
  • Sure your mum would pay you to do a few odd jobs around the house, perhaps wash the car, or put the groceries away. Why don't you negotiate something with her.
  • Try sperm banks. Get a couple good squirts in a cup and you're looking at a couple 100 dollars. I started when i was 12.
  • Well i am 15; and i have a job at a layer at the DA's office
  • a local Pizzaria might hire you.
  • in Wa, any jobs???
  • it should be shit cause a bitch ass nigga like me needs one now if u motha fuckas really wanna make some money how about yall come to my house and some my dick ill pay u sike i jus want my dick sucked so bitches cum to my house and ill cum all over u (bitches only) as in (females only) fags stay away
  • i hav no klue
  • Im not surprised that none of the above who answered the question do not have a job. Just by the fact that you cannot even answer a simple question without using profanity makes one realise that where you are now is where you will be for a long time. Good luck to the real job seekers. No, there would not be a good career option available to anyone, regardless of age, without a good education, or at least a good command of the english language.
  • publix fer sure
  • there are a couple places where i live that you can start working at 14 so im sure there are for 15
  • yeh why not!! and surely nope if they are not your friends or relatives.

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