• This is a trick question. It is not possible to choose one over the others. I have read all of the books that they have written, including their non-fiction books.
  • I read a lot of Arthur C. Clarke's books when I was younger. Childhood's End is a favorite of mine. All three were brilliant authors.
  • Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, then Asimov's non-fiction (I thought his fiction was great, but writing style...ehh), and Arthur C. Clarke...2001, but I was influence by the genius of the movie.
  • Asimov for me is #3 and from him I liked "The End of Eternity" best I think. I like his use of the least tweek to get to the desired result. Arthur C. is #2. "A Fall of Moon Dust" and then the Rama books. "Childhoods End" left/leaves a bad taste in my mouth, in as much as a harvest could be taken every 60 or 75 years, it would leave a 2 generation hole in the population, Why just one Rapture? RAH is my #1. of these 3 and may be all writers. over all Clarke is maybe 8th or 9th and Asimov back closer to #20. #1. "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress" ... I like Mike. and line marriage, and Prof. deLaPlaz and I want to throw 100 ton rocks down hill. "StarShip Trooper" "Time Enough For Love", and the second longer edition of "Stranger In a Strange Land". I learned how to be a notable kisser from Stranger, and 40 years later it still makes me one .
  • I've always had rather meh feelings about Clarke, somehow his work never really resonated with me. Asimov was a great writer, originator of way to many ideas to count and I loved most of his work, though I've always felt many of his novels tended to get a bit dry. I'd say he was a better essayist and short story writer. Heinlein is certainly my favorite of the three, with one important caveat, this only applies to early period Heinlein, particularly the so called juveniles. After Stranger, it's almost all down hill and rather badly at that. My favorite Heinlein was always Citizen of the Galaxy or Door Into Summer. Not that I'd argue those were his best works, just that i really like them for some odd reason.
  • Stranger in a Strange Land puts Heinlein at the top for me, although none of his other books ever struck me like that one did.
  • Asimov always, but Heinlein is so close that we would need to analyze the photo finish. I never quite understood Clarke. The Foundation series for Asimov. and all the robot stories Tunnel in the Sky for Heinlein, and the Moon is a Harsh Mistress (tanstaafl)
  • That's a really tough one. I can't decide between Clarke & Asimov.
  • Robert A. Heinlein - The Door into Summer.
  • i don't even know who Arthur C. Clarke, and Robert A. Heinlein,are; so i'll go with Asimov because i like robots.

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