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  • Depends on where you fall when you trip. Seriously though, as a veteran of much psychedelia in my youth, I never found any connection. The effects of psychedelics totally overwhelm anything as mild as orange juice. Also recommend that you keep your experimentation period short. There are bad things that have happened to people who get carried away with this bit. You can't sustain a healthy life based on chemically altered consciousness. There are better and safer ways to wake up to the wonder and magic of it all.
  • NO, it is untrue, there are many stigmas with psychedelics and Anything high in Vitamin C, and there is a reason for this, for many years it was though If you had a drug test, Vitamin C would help clean out your system faster, I don't know if it has ever been proven or disproven, But that is what I do know. What will intensify your trip though, is your trip. Get up and walk outside, amazing... go into the bathroom and turn out the lights, woah. Do it while you can because one day It will be so intense You'll never do it again, because you can't turn it off. Best of luck.
  • I heard the complete opposite - that if you drink orange juice whilst tripping that it makes it stop. But it's not true.
  • I've heard that vitamin C can be a catalyst for psychadelic drugs, but I guess there hasn't been any substantial evidence to prove or disprove this.
  • Get some biologist to answer this question, and yeah, of course not orange juice will stop a trip. But what will vitamin C do?? A theory is that it helps the drug pass your BBB faster. Another is that vitamin C is helping your immune system and then eliminate some of the intoxication.
  • It sounds like a myth, but I don't know. Orange juice will mask the taste, but it never did anything extra for me. I think that taking the mushrooms in a liquid will make the effect quicker and stronger because it can absorb easier.
  • Not orange juice, grapefruit juice ... it does a thing with the liver and lowers the rate at which the liver and the whole lymphatic system cleans the 'shrooms out of the bloodstream, it does not actually make the high any better, just longer lasting.
  • ya it can help a little. so can vitamin c pills
  • Oj really does make it better, i'm telling you from MANY personal experiences with and without. with is better. also a lil bud always goes a long way when tripping. but i donno about the grape fruit juice, i've never heard of that, but i'm actually havin some fun tonight so i'll test it out and let you guys know!
  • orange juice helps E slows shrooms down
  • I've never taken orange juice with mushrooms, and if I trip while drinking the orange juice, I'll probably spill the O.J., but I'll try eating some mushrooms with orange juice to see if they're any good. To me it seems weird though.
  • Ive only tripped on shrooms once (doin it again this weekend) but when i did it i drank alot of OJ. I dont know if it made it any better but i had a great trip. Also it does help with E makes it alot better, i can tell you that from experience.
  • The vitamin your looking for is B-12. Any so called energy drink will do the same thing yo...
  • Only if it's got a shot of vodka in it.
  • Orange Juice makes it better............. It's an easy question.
  • oj helps speed up the process. But if you just want to combat the nausia, then bud is the best. Its been proven in studied that tetrahydrocannibinobal (THC) works better than most prescription drugs.
  • You won't be as thirsty? ;-)
  • And also, to "robert," shrooms leave your body after 3 days, so unless you decide to do them two days before your drug test, you're fine.
  • Well i have read lots and lots bout shrooms and its the vitamin C and the citrus acid in the orange juice that increases the intensity of your trip, but oranges also contain calcium which will actually calm you down on your trip. That's why drinking milk on your trip will calm you down and try and control your giggles. So the best advice would be to buy chewable vitamin C and just eat them while tripping, plus the chewable vitamin C taste like fireworks in your mouth when your tripping (It's wonderful!) but since o.j. contains acid, vitamin C, and calcium it intensifies your trip while making you able to control yourself a little better. Also the citrus acid in the o.j will help you digest the mushrooms faster therefore hitting you a little quicker and harder. Shrooms are fun but be careful!
  • Grapefruit juice does make your trip last longer. Monoamine oxidase breaks down the psychoactives in your bloodstream, so taking an MAO-I such as Syrian Rue or Passion Flower will make your trip last longer, but not stronger
  • No, it has no effect on it. I believe that's just a myth.
  • fuck all of you unfactual bastards. burn in the flames of hell along with your mispelled answers.
  • I believe that is a myth but try it the next time you do a shroom trip and find out...
  • drinking vitamin c calms u down. the ascorbic acid binds with psychoactives and takes them out.

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