• It isn't bad for my teeth, mine are made of plastic. Guess I should have cut back on the sugar. Edit: No plastic toothpaste here. I just take them out and drop them in a glass overnight. (What, did you think I was kidding?) It doesn't pay to neglect your teeth. Edit: You think a dentist causes pain?? Wait til you have a tooth that gets bad enough to abscess into the sinus cavity. When you find yourself running a needle up into your gums to alleviate the pressure, or find yourself in the bathroom at 2 a.m. with an upholstery hammer, and needlenose pliers removing your own tooth. And these things actually make it feel BETTER!!! THAT'S PAIN!! Take care of your teeth!!!!
  • Saliva dissolves the sugar, and this can cause damage to the tooth the sugar is attached to, since saliva is basic.

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