• If you get your water portions right -- a rice cooker will cook anything. In a rice cooker -- using rice out of the bulk bins -- 2 parts water for white rice, 3 parts water for most other kinds of rice. You can also use a Black and Decker vegie steamer to cook rice (or any grain) -- same water to rice ratios -- except you have to follow the B&D instructions for separating some water in the cooking bowl -- don't remember exactly how much goes in the bowl, and how much goes into the tank below the bowl.
  • It always works for me. In my rice cooker: White Rice: 1 part medium grain white rice to 1 part water. Brown Rice: 1 part medium grain brown rice to 2.5 parts water. It takes longer than white rice, but it always comes out well.
  • All you need to do is add the correct quantity of water and the brown rice will also cook as well as the white rice.

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