• Nope, no scientific evidence so far - although plenty of stories and rumours and church-funded hunts! For a time it even spawned a cottage industry in Turkey - locals selling "ancient" ship's steering wheels with "ancient" writing like "HMS Noah" carved into them...
  • I don't know about scientific, but NASA has seen the ark, for it is divided in two, with each side some distance down the opposite side of the moutain, encased in HUGE chunks of ice. A while back, I tried to check it out, but that part of the map is off limits, and I can think of no other reason why that would be, though I know there are plenty of things that could explain it away. Dang you atheists! LOL.
  • Not only is there NO scientific evidence, but there is NO evidence of any kind of any ark or of any global flood. If, and I say "if" as a far fetched longshot, there really was ever an ark, there would be nothing of it left. Wood rots and over that long of a period of time, the wood would of rotted away. It's hard, if not impossible to prove or disprove myths and folklore.
  • Even if there would be no "scientific evidence" of noah's ark, you shouldn't doubt. Do you know if there is any "scientific evidence" of jesus being here, you doubt? For the power of God is greatful, for his power created you.

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