• i'm from australia. don't get offended, this is the general view where i live - materialistic, violent, greenhouse gas producers, hollywood divas, cheeseburgers. im sorry they're all negative, and these aren't my personal beliefs. i would be very interested to find out what people think of australia...
  • I think the GENERAL (there are always exceptions) oppinion in Denmark about the US is.. (Please understand that not all of this is my oppinions, but from debates in TV, discussions with classmates, family and teachers, I think it's safe to say that many people feel this way) *That the US is a nation in the process of killing itself through food *That many Americans are controlled entirely by greed and the need for personal materalistic gain. *That most Americans are only concerned about economy, completely ignoring nature, and notcaring about how many species they eradicate *That they've got the whole gun and weapons debate so wrong that it screams "FAIULRE" *That the American election campaigns is nothing but one big idol-worshipping and mud wrestling PR show, instead of debates about actual politics *That religion plays way too big a role in administrative decisions and affects the American laws way too much (this is a VERY, VERY widespread oppinion! I've yet to meet anyone who think it's fair that religion is allowed so much influence) *That the American economic philosophies are too one sided to cope with the current problems (more or less refusing to adopt a contractionary monetary policy in order to reduce inflation) Again, not all of this is my oppinion, although I don't disagree with it
  • Just to redress the balance a little. There are some very negative opinions in the UK about America, but at the same time we seem to eagerly embrace American culture, even to the extent of replacing many of our own words and grammatical forms with American ones (without apparently even being aware of it). And when you see a TV programme which is critical of America, and then get a commercial in which the voice-over is someone speaking with a fake American accent, because it is evidently seen to give credibility, then there is something strange going on. Personally, much as I admire much of the American culture, I would be happier if we weren't so eager to adopt it and lose our own. My own view is that America is an energetic and vibrant culture, and has given the world a great deal in both the arts and the sciences.
  • To the above... "i would be very interested to find out what people think of australia..." the answer is: "WE DON'T"!!!
  • People generally love australia. I have been traveling around europe for the past 7 months and have stayed in hostels with many people from all over the world. I think that you guys are viewed as the fun-loving, laid-back, outdoorsy type. I also think that you have a big rep for being pot smokers..haha. Many of the aussie travelers were drug searched on the eurostar busses everytime we would leave amsterdam. Being an american in europe was pretty depressing. It seems like we are a huge joke to the rest of the world. I do understand that stereotypes exsist for a reason, and we are responsible for much of the negative views. Watching the american college students studying abroad was also a low point. I could not believe how self entitled they appeared. There is one thing to be drunk, loud, and having a good time. There is no harm in that. But then there is the loud students who could not believe that people, in a non-english speaking country, did not know english..or upset that a cafe' didn't serve ketchup with their french fries, or loads of ice with their drinks. Well no shit!..that is not their language or their culture. When i would go into a bar in Italy and would speak italian, the barista would say "why do you know italian?". Where i would reply "because i am in italy." They were so amazed that someone actually took the time to try to learn a few key words of the language of the country they are visiting. HOw sad is that? We should be ashamed of ourselves. Now on the flip side. I do think our country has major flaws, but I also think we do have many things to be proud of. We encountered several europeans who were very ugly and rude to us for no reason at all. Which makes me think 'shame on you". If you are going to be ugly to a perfect stranger because of a generalization, then you need to take a look at yourself. It is sort of a contradiction to say that you dont like our country because we think that we are the better than others, and then hate the usa and treat us like you are better than us. Plus, why should it be a crime to love and be proud of the country you came from. Look at other countries. For example, Italians are never criticized for having a tremendous amount of love and pride in their country, culture, and food. I have heard many Italians say "I love my country, unlike you americans, we know how to cook and enjoy the pleasures of life'. instead, this is seen as endearing and patriotic, and not as being arrogant.
  • lol so what im getting out of all these posts is we are a bunch of money hungry fat conceded angry bastards? well let me say this I live in the U.S. and yeah tahts all pretty true but you forgot the fact that we are also sheep who will just go along with whatever our "elected" leader says. God I wish I could convince all my family to move to a better place but this is where we are stuck until somebody is able to over throw us
  • Not well I'm afraid. Most are displeased, a few are furious and a few are still intimidated. Not many are happy.
  • i agree with everything everyone said thats called "freedom of speech" and i am american and i believe that we are to materialistic,self absorbed, want everything done for us,do nothing and be lazy and that presidential issue spoken from green freak is sooooo true everythng you said is true!!!!!!!! its this horrible chain reaction to every american passed on generation after generation and it needs to be broken!!!!!!!!!
  • The united states is, by far the best country in the world. We have the most freedom, we are the most intelligent, and definitely have the best culture. Our government is a thousand times better than any other countries, people are simply jealous, they wish they were us. Fact is no matter what you say, no matter what country your from, your government looks to us to lead the world, they depend on us. For the people on this site bashing America that are American, shame on you, your a traitor, your selfish and take everything you have for granted, your probably liberal hippie faggot who thinks the "man" is keeping us down, well i say to you to leave, we dont want you here.
  • Oh here goes (and this is not my opinion because i've met some very intelligent and nice people from the us on this site as well.) But the general stereotype is. Egotistical. Flag worship. Greedy. Thinking the USA is the centre of the world. Vain. Loud. Guns in everyday life in a society (i've never seen a real gun). The one thing that i do agree with is the hate of this 'howling' in audiences because some have started to copy it over here and its so annoying lol. I know when they think of britain they think of tea. Sheep (at least in wales). moustashes. And more recently chaves (our version of trailer trash). Oh yea and bad teeth lol (mine are lovely by the way).
  • I don't know; I'm in America

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