• Earl, there are counseling centers scattered around many big cities, that provide counseling services by students and intern therapists. They charge on a sliding scale. I work at one such in Los Angeles and have clients who ay as little as $6.00 per session.
  • Look in your local phone book under the Department of Health for any phone number that says anything about mental health. Call them and ask for resources in your area for counselling.
  • bed wetting could be due to a lot of things, i was one too.. it might be due to stress, fatigue (being too tired when you sleep), or any of a bunch of psychological problems, or it could also be a physiological thing, ie, like a medical condition. try to consult a doctor too. if you are still in school, go ask the school nurse about it.. you shouldnt need any money to do so, and they might be able to point you out exactly what you need to do. if you are still really young, then you most likely will grow out of it.

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