• It takes at least a day to digest most foods,and would take longer to digest red meats.It takes a lot of energy and digestive juices to break down the meat.This is why when lions and other meat eating animals need a long time to rest and recuperate once they have eaten their prey.
  • most foods take 24 hours to digest red meat takes a long time 27 hours usualy... most people think it takes like an hour to digest food. it takes 20 minutes just for it to reach your stomach. when you drink a glass of water and urinate the same amount that is only do to your body rationing.
  • The process of digestion starts in the mouth. The action of chewing, with the addition of saliva for enzymes and lubrication, takes some longer than others, say ten to thirty chews. Then, it takes ten to twenty seconds for the bolus(the bite you swallowed)to reach the stomach. Even before the food reaches the stomach, your stomach has begun pouring out stomach acids and other enzymes. The stomach can be likened to a muscular bag with a heavily textured lining that squeezes and pulps the bolus, breaking it down to increase the surface area exposed to the liquid digestant. When the food is sufficiently dissolved, in about three to four hours, it is pushed into the intestines to allow the stomach acid to be neutralized by the gall fluid. The intestines first absorb the nutrients, all the while moving the meal along with wave-like peristaltic motion through the twenty-plus feet of your small intestines. Later, when the nutrients are absorbed, the mass moves to have the majority of the liquid reabsorbed in the large intestine and returned to the body. Then, the more solid mass moves towards the rectum, triggering the urge to defecate. Red meat, white meat, fish and other forms of protein are all digested at pretty much the same rate once they are physically and chemically broken down. Red meat only takes an hour or two more to reach this state than other meats, depending on how much you've chewed it, how acidic your stomach environment is, and your particular speed of digestion. The whole process, from petit filet to potty, is usually twelve to twenty-four hours. Remember, digestion speeds and elimination times are not synonymous. No, your body does not store undigested beef in your colon. That is a myth.
  • The listing below shows the amount of time it takes for your body to break meats down. fish/seafood 1-2 hours chicken/turkey 2-3 hours beef 6-7 hours pork 11+ hours

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