• Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was approximately 5 foot 3. The Web site,, lists some of the best-known little celebrities and difference-makers in history. Some of these people might have had Napoleonic complexes due to their size, but one who did not -- irony alert here! -- was Napoleon Bonaparte. He does not even make the short-support list because it deals with people 5'5" or less, and Napoleon was 5'6", slightly ABOVE average for Frenchmen of his day. Here's a short-person all-star team, leaving off such giants as Tom Cruise (5'7") and Dustin Hoffman (5'6"): 5-5: Josef Stalin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Edward G. Robinson, Spike Lee, Charlie Chaplin 5-4: Mel Brooks, Pablo Picasso, Sammy Davis Jr., Harry Houdini, Truman Capote 5-3: Paul Simon, Mickey Rooney, Nikita Krushchev, Mahatma Gandhi, Prince Among other men on the list were Charles Manson and Yasser Arafat at 5'2".

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