• It depends on how close the nearest tree is...! ;-)
  • I think it's very dangerous. Even the most skilled and experienced skiers can't match the wrath of an avalanche, among others.
  • I'm sure I'll find out when I visit my, as yet, imaginary, log cabin in the mountains :)
  • I think its like driving there is always risks but how you drive is what can make it dangerous, if you take a lesson (and you should to be safe) a good instructor will incorporate safty all through the lesson to keep you safe and teach you how to be safe on the mountain. Responsibility Code #1 always stay in control, able to stop and avoid others and objects. #2 people ahead have the right of way you must avoid them. #3 do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above. #4 when starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yeild to others. #5 always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment. #6 observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas. #7 prior to using any lift, you must have knowledge and ability to load, ride, and unload safely.
  • if you know what youre doing its a lot less dangerous but still sorta dangerous (doggie s avalanches dont happen THAT often)

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