• most likely attempt to break its neck if its a smaller animal or shake it till its dead, with bigger animals they probably try to bite through the jugular vein or carotid artery so the animal bleeds to death. they behave pretty similar to dogs when theyre killing. also in a pack they will probably start eating it before its dead if its pinned down well enough.
  • Well, yes, it does, Mastodon, IF it is small prey and it is a single wolf. But, wolves are basically pack, or team, predators and hunt large animals together. It is really an intricate strategy. A single wolf will stalk the animal, make its rush, and run it toward the other pack members that have positioned themselves around and concealed. Strikes are made by different wolves, usually at the legs, but also the cripple the prey. The chase may last a long time, until the prey is weakened from loss of blood. The pack then takes it down, with one or two locking on the throat until the animal is dead. Not a pleasant description, but that is nature in the wild.
  • They attempt to disable large prey, by tearing at the haunches and perineum. Usually biting can cause loss of coordination and when the prey is dead they pull it down by the flanks. For weaker prey, they usually bite the throat causing damage in the windpipe. When attacking any kind of canid, they basically let the strongest of the pack go first. Hope this somehow helps

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