• It is much similar to how you would do bypass surgery on yourself at home. YOU DON'T. Dentists are trained to pull teeth. Yeah I know it would seem like such an easy thing - however it is not. There is a certain way it must be done to pull tooth root and all. If done incorrectly and part or all of the root is left in the jaw bone it can lead to serious infection, serious pain and a few other not so nice things. Further there is the potential to bleed to death, and of course dry socket and infection in general even if you do get the tooth root and all.
  • Foolishnes all of you!!! It is very simple to remove an extra tooth. First youll need to be drunk, preferably off of some jim beam. Then youll need to have sober friend, youll want one of your stronger friends, because you want to have the tooth come out in one big pull. Now what you do is have your sober buddy take a hammer and a small metal rod, position the rod on said tooth, and WAMMO!!! or you could have your friend wrap some piano wire around the tooth, and BLAMMO. The whole process is easy as pie and it will put lots of hair on your chest. if you have any comments feel free to email me at:
  • I don't know if you all get the same ads as I do but take a gander at those teeth on the side of this question and answer page. Scary!!!!
  • Quick and painful - Hammer Slow and painless - Dentist

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