• Yes, I have. I used to work as a prep cook in my college dining hall, and I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand with a broken piece of chicken bone while I was defrosting a bunch of frozen wings. It hurt like hell, and it wouldn't stop bleeding. I was terrified that I had contracted salmonella or something, but I turned out fine.
  • When I was a child I got a long sharp piece of chicken bone lodged in my throat, it was painful and my grandmother had to remove it.
  • No, but I have with a fishbone caught in my throat.
  • No, but I did once have a fling with a turkey leg... didn't last long. ;p
  • No, but this is a very... interesting question
  • yes i ate a chicken leg, actually half a chicken leg- omg it was lovely, immediately my senses came alive- i seemed more intelligent, had better eye sight, my hearing was better. Downside my stomach was a little sore. email me " humans and eating chicken bones". i am intrigued now. oh ya by the way, from my reading it was concluded that, birds contain " airsacs" which apparently " heal fractures". if i eat chicken legs will my spinal fracture heal?

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