• Perhaps he is wondering why you are looking at him, after all to know he is watching you then you must be watching him. Only he knows if he is attracted to you or not.
  • Yes, in a creepy, Norman Bates sort of way.
  • I agree with Shavale, it's a little creepy. I was taught that staring is impolite so maybe it's just me.
  • I think that is creepy too! yuk
  • I would say that it is a possiblity that he likes you. Does he ever try and talk to you?
  • Wow! I typed this whole long response and it didn't go through! GRRR!!! Dang Girl! You sound just like me! He might not be into you but then again...sounds like you don't treat him like all of the other girls. What if he thinks that you think he barely exist? It sounds like you play it really cool...even when he says "Whats up" you don't acknowledge him. I'm sure this is new for him. He might not want to add you...for fear of lookin like a tard. But you know...I was in a similar situation (am actually still in it)but this uber adorable guy...that I thought didn't even know I had a facebook added me. I totally play it cool with him. You know...I just barely acknowledge him. He's talked to me several times...we havn't really had a very substancial convo...considerin I see him every once in a while. I Just try and tell myself to not obsess too much...remember he is just a guy! What makes it even more difficult to when you actually like the guy..& never fessed up to it to anyone. But now its summer time.Don't worry...try not to focus on him talking to you online or adding you on facebook. That can be hard...I know when I get online...I wonder if he commented me or what not..Lame I know. But it is what us ladies do when we semi-like a fella! I do know..that me and that guy won't work out. He's pretty different from me. I just wonder if our personalities would balance each other out?! But no worries... I'm pretty sure it will neva go that far. Although, many times I think he likes me. There I go rambling. Sorry!
  • Yep ovbviously or maybe he's trying to give you a message telepathicly hahaha! joking..(it happened to me once, i reacted similarly, stared back at him as well. Maybe he wants to connect with you and try to tell you something or his feeling but don't have the guts to do so.It was special though.. in a weird way i may say.

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