• "Check these out," while lifting your shirt. I'm sorry, I have no serious answer for you.
  • Let's go get chicken wings and a beer.. then let me give you a BJ. If that doesn't work take him out back and put him out of his misery.
  • It depends on what he's upset about. But if you want him to feel better, down play what it is that is making him feel bad. For example, if he's sad because he can't make it to your party because he really wants to see you, maybe you can tell him that it's okay, and that you'll try to see him next weekend. I'm sure that would cheer him up. Basically, as you can tell from reading the other two posts, it doesn't take much to make guys happy.
  • Depends usually the less said on the matter the better if he's nervous bout something say he'll do fine, if something bad happened like a loved one died say your sorry, and give him a kiss or a hug or something, usually a few short sentences work, don't ask to talk about your feelings for hours though that just won't work. Keep it short and sincere.
  • LETS DO IT....
  • Want a BJ?

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