• I would say the black dunce cap might be a dead giveaway.
  • If balck cats keep following you, thats also a bit suspect if you ask me
  • A fondness for dancing naked under a full moon while boiling strange ingredients in a pot, might be a giveaway. Fashion sense that runs to black flowing garments and the latest in sweeping accessories also give the game away. The real tipper, though, is when you point your finger (or wiggle your nose - different school of thought) and utter some hilarious curse and it comes true immediately.
  • Do you ever turn people into Newts? That's a sure sign. Another is if you weight the same as a duck.
  • Build a bridge out of her.
  • If you find dark clothing in your closet and a broom parked at your front might just be a witch.
  • If that smell, coming from your kitchen, is not might just be a witch. You know.....brewing coffee instead of a witch's brew.
  • Being a witch is a matter of religous practice, (Yes, wicha is a religion) so if you suspect that you're a witch, then you probably are'nt. I also kind of resent how witchs are depicted, I've known quite a few perfectly nice people who happened to practice wicha, so even if you where a witch, that's not so bad.
  • when things happen you samize
  • If your part of the Wiccan religion.
  • Wow, I hope no one confesses their Wiccan ways. Might just be a trial at the hands of this crowd.
  • Do you have a wart on your nose and chin and in cetain lights does your complexion look a lil green? Can you use a broom without trying to get it off the ground? Do you cook things in a massive black pot and laugh like a maniac?
  • How do you know if you're you? You just know. You feel it in your bones. This isn't Harry Potter, you don't remove glass from snake houses.
  • i can see your broom stick an your pointy hat by the back door ....dead giveaway that
  • try to use some power on ur neighbour.
  • A witch is a choice someone makes. I am a witch because I chose this path in my life. I professed my faith in front of other witches and was initiated as a witch. I know I am one because I say I am one. If you believe you are, then you are.
  • If you see a mob of people approaching your house with the intention of burning you on the stake..its a pretty good indication that you are a witch..
  • On the offchance you are a young teen that is serious: If you have to ask, you are not. Period. "Witch" is actually (in the meaning you seem to be using) 1. A woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery. 2. A believer or follower of Wicca; a Wiccan. Now, if you have to ask if you possess powers or practice sorcery, you obviously don't. And, if you have to ask if you are Wiccan, you are not. So, the answer is no.
  • It is a choice one makes. I had self dedicated to the Goddess and God. I practice magic. I follow the teachings of my chosen path. I am a witch. As for you, you would have to decide if it is right for you on your own, or with others (if you have any) in your community.
  • I aint no WItch, But I can be a real Bitch... which is almost same thing.... lol
  • My mom is a witch. She studied witchcraft years ago before I was born, I guess. My dad was positive she put a spell on him. I guess he went to the bar after work and when he came out he had flat tires! lol
  • A witch is not something you ARE. It is something you can BECOME if you WANT. Do you want to become a witch? Why do you want that? Sometimes when i want something, or think i want something, i find out a few days, weeks later that i didn't really want it. I just saw no other option at that moment. I didn't know WHY i wanted it two weeks ago, but NOW i understand myself better. Most of the time i am real glad i didn't act rightaway... It is good that you don't act rightaway and think it over carefully, because it is a major question and it involves your whole live. You can test your motivation.... What will be the first things you'll do when you are a witch? How would you feel about those things later? Here in my country we have a 'famous' witch that is very pretty and is often interviewed on TV. She is a white witch if i recall it correctly. She wants to do good to people and help them out. So being a witch is not always bad i understand from her. But maybe i can't trust her... Maybe you know someone that loves you you and ask him/her. Your parents? Your friend? Your brother? Your sister? Some teacher? Remember: You don't have to LIKE them, and they don't have to KNOW the real you, as long as YOU know for sure that he/she is a good person that has the right intentions. These people are hard to find...
  • A witch is a practitioner of magic. If you cast spells and practice magic, you are a witch. If you don't, you aren't a witch. It's really pretty simple.
  • Well, do you have any natural abilities in the area of magick, or do you practice wicca? If yes to either, then you are indeed a witch!
  • Joking answer, you will weight the same as a duck. Serious answer, as I understand Wicca (you picked the topic), you don't just be one, it's something you learn.
  • Simply thinking that you are a witch, doesn't prove that you are a witch... you know that you are a witch when you go "above and beyond" to GAIN, by controlling others, MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, Sexually, Financially, and even physically... Many Different ways to control people.. Many different methods of gaining control.. WITCH CRAFT is CONTROL...
  • when you stop asking if you are .

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