• We have a butter dish that sits on our counter in the kitchen. It is kept there all the time and kept stocked, and has been for 15 years. We have never had a problem with it.
  • Our family has always kept our butter refrigerated. It can be left out at room temperature for short periods, but during the heat of the summer, it becomes rancid if left out for too long. It is not advisable to leave butter out of the refrigerator for extended periods. A quick zap in the microwave will soften it for spreading. We never had a problem with that because we always ate whole grain breads which do not shred as easily. Also, if you "shave" cold butter by scraping the top surface with the knife rather than slicing it into pats, it spreads fairly well on most everything except white and so-called soft whole wheat breads. White bread is unhealthy anyway, so if you're going to insist on eating it, I suppose a little rancid butter isn't going to do that much more damage.
  • Consumer Reports said, at least 15 years ago, that refrigeration doesn't keep the flavor of butter or margarine any fresher than leaving it out. In really hot weather, of course, you wouldn't want it melting. And it molds, rather than spoiling, so spoilage would be visible in any case.
  • Yes, it will not go bad as there is very little water in butter and plenty of salt to keep it safe. Other than going possibly rancid after a long time out, there is no danger. For warm weather, to keep it from melting or getting too soft, we use a butter bell.

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