• Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen are not identical twins, they are fraternal twins. Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg splits and forms two identical fetuses. Fraternal twins occur when two eggs are fertilized and develop into separate fetuses at the same time. There are several ways to tell if twins are identical or fraternal. The most certain is by zygosity determination, where the DNA of each is compared. Identical twins share identical DNA, fraternal twins do not.
  • I actually thought they were identical for quite some time although, admittedly, I don't spend much time watching their show or looking at pictures of them. But I recently saw a photo where I was struck by the fact that they are different heights. They do look an awful lot alike, don't they? I think it's kind of interesting that, even though they've been fraternal twins all their lives, no one seems to have noticed until they started experimenting with different hair colors.
  • I know what they makes them not look like not just hight different or the hair color Mary-Kate likes sports and Ashley likes makeup and boys least when was little and teens.But now it easy to tell because hight and hair color and Mary-Kate is skinny since she done that to her self go with out eating till it on most kill her.I miss the twins make movies.I watch them every since full house came on TV in till they was 18 and stop making movies.Who missing their movies?
  • they're not identical....
  • I am not convinced that they are not identical. Being different heights and even one being right-handed and the other left-handed does not make them non-identical. and who amongst us has had access to their medical information, as far as DNA goes?
  • cus i can tell them apart easily ashley has the rounder eyes
  • You can tell them apart pretty easily, Ashley is slightly taller and got rounder eyes.
  • Identical twins can be born in separate sacs, which may seem like 2 eggs fertilized. The ONLY way to tell identical twins is DNA testing. My identical twin girls were born in separate sacs, one is taller, one has a more narrow face (a phenomenon in 100 percent of 100 identical twins study done in the 70's), and their freckles are not in the same places. I believe MK and Ash are identical.
  • I am an "identical" (monozygotic) twin who has always been slightly taller & slightly heavier than my sister. Our eyes & mouths are shaped slightly differently, and my face is a little fuller, but we have taken the DNA test and we are, indeed, "identical." I believe MK & A are as well. Because of our differences and the perceptions involved (most people think identical means we should look EXACTLY alike), I prefer the term monozygotic.
  • The fact that they resulted from the fertilization of two separate eggs.
  • They've said their parents had testing done and that they aren't identical. I think that alone should prove their non identical status
  • Have you ever seen siblings (born at different times) who look as similar as ashley and mary-kate olsen? no. having fraternal twins means 2 separate eggs and 2 sperm...the chance of having fraternal twins that look alike is just as slim as having 2 children at two separate pregnancies that look the same... no two sisters and no two brothers look that much alike unless they are identical twins. their parents probably just told them that so they feel more like individuals...
  • Just because the NYT and Wikipedia say "fraternal" doesn't make it true. I would bet a lot of money that they are actually identical twins and believe that their parents early on decided they preferred to consider them fraternal and stuck with it. Nothing indicates that they've been tested. What really bothers me, is that years ago some guy, answered "identical" to a question about what kind of twins they were on a games show and lost. If I were him, I would have legally challenged that.

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