• Hahahaha I would assume so. Half the material, half the time, half the work! Makes sense to me! :)
  • That is a sick question, IMO.
  • i'll let you know as soon as i find out.i'm an upper limb amputee.
  • No, as there is much more involved that materials and time. There is the time taken up by doing the work and not being able to work on someone else, the same amount of cleanup and space use as by a full work client. There is the same pre-work time spent for prep and discussion. So they might get a tiny break in cost but not half way. That is wrong.
  • I suppose that half price for hands, 3/4 price for everything (hands and feet) would be fair. However, maybe they could also get some health care support, because they could not make their hand nails themselves anyway.
  • My salon said they'd charge the same price. It's a flat rate. *shrugs*

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