• Yes, it's still around, even taking part on some recent wars like the Gulf War. They are stationed in Corsica and headquarters in France. These deployments are current as of October 2007: Note: English names for countries or territories are in parentheses. o Guyane (French Guiana) Mission de presence sur l’Oyapok - Protection Ariane -3e REI o Republique Centrafricane (Central African Republic) Intervention 2e REI /EMT/CAC/1er Cie o Mayotte (Departmental Collectivity of Mayotte) Prevention DLEM; 1er REG/3e Cie o Djibouti Prevention 13 DBLE; 2e REI/3e Cie; 1er REG/1er Cie o Djibouti Prevention 5e RIAOM; 1er REC/5e Esc o Polynesie (French Polynesia) Cooperation 1er REG/section travaux o Liban (Lebanon) Intervention 2e REG/NEDEX o Afghanistan Intervention 2e REG/OMLT o Tchad (Chad) Intervention 2e REP/2e Cie/CEA/UCL; 1er REC/2e Esc Here's their official website In English:

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