• My daughter is a Naruto fan. According to her, Kakashi's best friend took one of his own Sharigan eyes and gave it to him before he died. That's why he has a scar. No, Kakashi did not kill him.
  • yes i know THAT but in shippuuden he 'evolves' his eye to mangekyou, for which u need to kill ur best friend to obtain
  • kakashi will reveal that to sasuke later on im sure
  • As far as I know, Kakashi just uses a jutsu to gain the mangekyou sharingan temporarily.
  • no he did not kill his best friend to get his new sharingan, because its not the type of mangekyou sharingan as itachi's
  • kakashi got his sharigan cuz he killed his best friend orbito when he was already in the state of dieing so kakashi killed him on pupose to obtain the ultimate sharigan but his own is not a real cause he's not apart of the uchia clan he only has one were he can send you to another dimension
  • Kakashi never killed Obito. They had a fight or something and when they were in a cave they were attacked. They got beat up, and then Obito got the sharinga and won, causing a rock slide which crushed half of his body. Then while he was dieing he told Kakashi to take the remaining eye. He wasn't killed by Kakashi. And if you watch the anime, Kakashi uses a jutsu to create the mangekyou sharingan.
  • na na hoe i seen the anime and the magna to prove that kakashi killed obbito
  • a go 2 and you will see the shippuden 39 and watch kakashi use the mankegyou sharigan...go to and type in kakashis childhood and you will see how he got mankegyou by killin orbito
  • My guess is that when uchiha sasuke "severed" his bond with naruto and left the village, that Kakashi's bond was severed as well since Kakashi grew fond enough of him to become his mentor thus making mangekyou awaken in Obito's eye.
  • He didn't kill anyone, apparently he exploited a loophole in the requirements that needs your best friend to be dead. He stated that at the time he started developing it, all the people close to him were dead. Thus, he didn't kill anyone to obtain it, he simply used a loophole. And for those of you who think that Kakashi copied itachi's Mangekyo, A sharingan user can't copy a biological aspect of a jutsu I.E. a bloodline limit, otherwise, they'd be almost infinitely powerful. In short, a sharingan grants photographic reflexes.
  • he didn't kill him. his friend gave it to him before he died or something like that.

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