• Unfortunately it was Nickleback - "Rock Star" ...oh you mean ever!!? I just bought a new radio today. That was the first song as it chunked through the DAB channels. Anyone think that Nickleback could bring the radio bad luck???
  • Depends on where you live.Ilive in the U.K.and the first song to be aired over here was called GOODBYE BLACKBERRY WAY by a band called THE MOVE.That was the first song played on BBC RADIO 1
  • I am checking this out. I am looking for a website that deals with AM radio in the United States. Answer coming soon, i hope.
  • The very first AM radio station was in Canada in 1906. The very first licensed AM radio station in The United States was in 1920. ] I have still not located the very, very first song played on either the Canadian radio station or the 1920 station. Still searching.
  • I found out that the very first song played on the radio was Oh Holy Night the Christmas song. On December 24, 1906 an Canadian Inventor named Reginald Fessenden broadcast the first AM radio program in which he played the song on his violin and read from the Bible. There's your interesting fact for the day.
  • WHA of Madison, Wisconsin is supposed to be the oldest station in the nation. They've said it for as long as I can remember.
  • According to, the answer to your question is "O Holy Night". I was looking up the origins of the song when I discovered this info. It would be nice if this were true.

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