• He has never let me down. I let myself down or others do it.
  • today is the first day i talked to god. i am playing "lts make a deal" with the big "g" i will have to get back to you re:who let whom down
  • No he never will but sometimes I am doing what I want to do. I had to learn some things the hard way but I am learning everyday!
  • Nope...never I would say it's more like I'm letting God down
  • Nope. Like nursey said, "I would say it's more like I'm letting God down."
  • No. I make my own choices. Bad things happen. That's life. And in the end I suppose we all just have to deal with it.
  • There was a time in my life where I blamed God for things that were out of my hands and he didn't protect me. Looking back now I realized it was in his plan all along. I miscarried my first child and blamed God, but only now do I realize that it was a blessing in disguise. My sister lost her daughter at 3 weeks from heart problems and talk about trying your faith. My sister did blame him, but do you know how many lives that baby saved? It's sad that we lost and others gained, but in the end there was a reason and God was protecting us and our children. They say miscarriage is a sign from God that the baby was ill and he didn't want it to have to suffer. I will believe that until the day I die and then I will get to hold my baby girl again.
  • Most religious person will say "no" but question here is "Have you ever" So don't tell me that in your live spent you had never complain and blame god before!!!For me I will say yes for not answering to my prayers but later I will ask for forgiveness as the blame should have been mine for not doing enough.
  • No, I don't. Faith is the emptiness of not knowing and the fulfillment of not needing to know. It may be good, it may be bad... who am I to speculate? All I can do is say "Maybe" and know the next thing will come and trust in it.
  • No I don't. I am learning to let go and let God.
  • At times, I have. Then I remember He never promised me a perfect life or an easy road. He just promised me the opportunity to seek them paths and to make with life what I have been giving. Looking back at the hard times, I can say now that even then I was blessed.
  • I feel let down. I thought I was his favorite son.

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