• The dentist's office? ;-)
  • I would say, the first time you grinned and spoke at the same time............ ah ha ha Appreciate this answer.
  • Whenever I hear the phrase 'lying through your teeth' it makes me think of the insipid, condescending pseudo-smile invariably affected by politicians as they speak their convoluted and obscure language of lies. Lying through their teeth. It seems to suggest the teeth being bared whilst speaking the lie, and a friendly smile would lend the lie a measure of integrity, enforcing the deception and abusing the trust placed upon you. Whereas the vast majority of lies are the product of contentious banter, self preservation or harmless fun. But that's just my own train of thought, I couldn't say for certain. Afterthought: Alternatively it may be a reference to teeth clenched in anger, the lie spoken quite literally through the clenched teeth being designed not so much to deceive as to wound; A blatant untruth to score a petty blow.
  • Was it not Nathaniel Hawthorne who wrote, "A lie may come from the eyes as well as through the teeth...." ?
  • Perhaps from the same source as, 'How do you know when a politician is lying? His lips move'. It comes out through the mouth, which has your teeth?

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