• Difficult one - you want to trust your friends and believe that you can rely on them. I gues if you know somebody's faults and you still like them you can be friends but to what degree of closeness is entirely down to what sort of lies they tell and whether you would have to be so guarded when you are around them that it ceases to be worthwhile.
  • no way.
  • Yes, as long as they are overall a good person and their lies come from insecurity rather than the need to hurt someone. I have met some really nice people that loved to exaggerate the truth for drama or make up stories so they wouldn't hurt others feelings. At first it upset me but then when I realized why the person was doing it, I really got to like them and the stories were actually funny to listen to. I could poke fun at them about it and we could laugh about it after a while.
  • Depends on the level of friendship your looking for from them. You can't expect a serious, meaningful relationship if you can't trust them. But if you're just looking for someone thats fun to be around, a relationship that you're not really expecting anything out of and aren't too emotionally involved in... then I wouldn't see any problem with it. Not every friendship has to be a big emotional investment. Some people are just fun to be around, even if you don't necessarily like everything about them. Just remember that if this person is a known liar, people may or may not judge you based on your relationship with them. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it.
  • I think that it's better to keep someone you can't trust in the "aquaintanence" catagory. Sure, you can have fun and even hang out with them. That particular character flaw is usually just the tip of the iceberg, though, so keep them at arms' length.
  • I just wouldn't tell them personal stuff because their probably a gossip too. They wouldn't be what I would call friends...they would be acquaintances. I wouldn't want a friend who lies.
  • More like someone to say Hi to. Acquantances not friends.
  • Who hasn't lied? If you're gonna choose not to be friends with someone just because they lied, you might as well not have any friends at all. Seriously. Now, if all they do is lie, then I might just not tell them anything.

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