• Should be three.
  • In 6/8 the eight note gets one count. The quarter note gets two, and the half note gets four. A dotted half note in 6/8 gets 6 counts.
  • I think pantsoff is right. The reason the time signature is 6/8 is because each eighth note is one count and there are 6 in each measure. Three would be correct if the time signature were 3/4.
  • Thank everyone for their help.
  • In a time signature where the quarter note gets one beat, then it would be three. But in a time signature where the eighth note gets one beat, the value of each note doubles. Therefore if in one where the quarter gets one beat the dotted half gets three, then in one where the eighth gets one beat the dotted half gets six which in 6/8 time means it gets the whole measure.

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