• i think it depends on the situation of the relationship. Are you willing to risk it?
  • No, that's not what they say. They say, “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.” By the way, that's a quote by Richard Bach in case you're interested. I don't believe that it's always true, but I don't believe that it's always false, either. In my opinion, it's a pretty lame reason to break up with someone, though. Why hurt someone you supposedly love intentionally just to see if he or she will come back to you? That in itself sounds pretty selfish, rude, heartless, and inconsiderate to me.
  • It depends on the relationship and how things are doing in it. if its not broke, dont fix it...
  • I believe it's true but this is my spin on what I think that quote means. Lets say I am with someone for the last 20 years and I am still as inlove as ever with them but their feelings toward me have changed and they aren't sure if they want to continue in a relationship with me any longer. Rather than my guilting them into staying or making them stay with me it would be best for me to just let them go as much as it would hurt me. If out love is meant to be eventually they will wake up realize how much I truly love them and come back. If they don't come back then our relationship was never really meant to be.
  • I think sometimes you can let go of fate - you are the creator of your own universe. So be careful of what you let go.

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