• Yes, sometimes the flow virtually stops at night because gravity isn't assisting it. It's normal and nothing to be concerned about.
  • I usually have less or no blood on my pad at night. I hypothesise that it may be due to lying down. If you're lying flat then gravity can't be helping the blood drip down as it does when you are standing, walking or sitting.I think that what you are experiencing is pretty normal but if you really are concerned then ask your doctor or another woman who has had her period for many years about it. Don't stress, if there is something wrong with you then there is also something wrong with me and by gal pals too.:)
  • Periods are different every month. While i cant comment on the pads.. i use tampons, but i do know that they change every month. I cant remember ever having a period that was exactly the same as last months one. Being on the pill helps bring lighter flows also

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