• It might just be the simple answer that the white girl has heard about black men typically being 'bigger', and want to find out for themselves
  • Actually most of the couples I know that are interracial are the opposite. It's a black gal with a white guy. And that's on both coasts, CA and NY.
  • I don't know because part of the fun is the forbidden concept. People love to do what they should not do. Examples, black and white sex is generally extremely HOT!! because it is unihibited, exploratory and passionate. The woman is able to be a total slutty animal in her rawest form and know that she is appreciated for it. The man is grateful to have some one who is willing to give herself totally to him and find it easy to actually commit his whole heart.
  • Well, when the White woman is portrayed in most instances as a goddess while the Black woman is portrayed as a nappy headed chick with a bad attitude it doesn't take long for those images in the media and society to sink in. There is also the element of forbidden fruit. Black men used to be killed-literally for even looking at a White woman. Now that he can have one of his own it's the ultimate "up yours" to the White man.
  • I am a white man married to a black woman. We are going on 17 years together. I think your theory is flawed. Peace
  • I have seen some beautiful white women with black men but mostly it is really ugly white women with black men.
  • Warning: The following deals primarily with the United States and does not represent a worldwide view of the subject. 1) "The number of interracial marriages in the United States has been on the rise: from 310,000 in 1970, to 651,000 in 1980, and 1,161,000 in 1992, according to the US Census of 1993. Interracial marriages represented 0.7% of all marriages in 1970, rising to 1.3% in 1980 and 2.2% in 1992. With the introduction of the mixed-race category, the 2000 census revealed interracial marriage to be somewhat more widespread, with 2,669,558 interracial marriages recorded, or 4.9% of all marriages. It should be noted that these statistics do not take into account ethnic groups within the same broad categories - for example a marriage involving a person of Japanese origin and a person of Indian origin would not be considered 'mixed'. Nor is hispanic status taken into account. Married Couples in the United States in 2006. White Wife Black Wife Asian Wife Other Wife White Husband 50,224,000 117,000 530,000 489,000 Black Husband 286,000 3,965,000 34,000 45,000 Asian Husband 174,000 6,000 2,493,000 13,000 Other Husband 535,000 23,000 41,000 558,000" Source and further information: 2) According to this statistics, the top interracial marriages in the US are: 535,000 Other Husband / White Wife 530,000 White Husband / Asian Wife 489,000 White Husband / Other Wife 286,000 Black Husband / White Wife 174,000 Asian Husband / White Wife 117,000 White Husband / Black Wife 3) "A new term has arisen to describe the social phenomenon of the so-called "marriage squeeze" for African American females. The marriage squeeze refers to the belief that the most eligible and desirable African American men are marrying non-African American women, leaving those African American women who wish to marry African American men with fewer partnering options. According to Newsweek, 43% of black women between the ages of 30-34 have never been married. Several explanations of this phenomenon have been advanced. It may be due to the lingering effects of social ostracism to which white American men who married African American women were subjected in the past. A 2006 survey found that the number of white Americans would consider marrying across the colour line is one in five. It may also be the result of a desire among African American women to marry African American men due to concepts such as racial loyalty, and the internalized stereotypical belief that non-African American men would not find them attractive. There is also the lingering belief that negative social stereotypes preclude them being viewed as anything but sexual objects by non-African American men. Lastly, there is a desire among educated women of all races to "marry up" or at least within their social and economic class. With the great disparity that exists between African American women and African American men in this respect, black women often face either "marrying down" or not marrying at all, when they choose to restrict their marriage prospects to African American men. Another confounding factor for African American women may be the disproportionate mortality rate between men and women in the black community: there are only approximately 85 males for every 100 females by the time they reach their child-bearing years. Also, rates of incarceration for marriage age African American males are far higher than rates for females, further contributing to the male/female gap. As of 2002, 10.4% of all black males between the ages of 25 and 29 were sentenced and in prison. The African American male-female disparity is highest between the ages of 25 – 29, when for every two African American men there are nearly three African American women." Source and further information:
  • that's not true you only think that bcuz thats what you look out for if you were to really look at the people around u then it would be clear that like me there are alot of white men with black women. p.s that wikipedia thing is from years ago they havn't updated it i remember looking at it in like 2000-2001.
  • I've met many black men who had some very "wrong" reaosns for wanting to be with white women; most of the reasons had to do with their skin color, sterotypes, and the fact that they werent black. They would always back up their reason for being with a white women by trashing black women, I think thats the mainsign that someone doesnt love you as a person but as a race. Because if they really loved you they wouldnt bring up race (atleast in a negative way). Unfortunately, in my personal exprience, the "ignorant" men I described are the ones that I have met most. But there are others who date white women becuase that happens to be who they fell inlove with and are willingly to date any other race including their own. I think the men with negative views about their own come from rejection, bad upbringing, and somewhat racist/self-hating feelings.
  • well; i dont know iof this is true. but if it is, i am part of that statistic. And personally; im tired of people looking at it as of color. Why do we even talk about "interracial" We're all PEOPLE/ i dont even know why we have a name for it. its ridiculous. my mother and father don't except that i'm dating a black guy, and he's treated me the best out of any of my boyfriends; And im really sick of all of this.
  • Black men and white women tend to be brutally criticised by our opposite numbers within our respective races. Black women are quick to criticise a black man on either his financial status or his personality. White women, on the other hand, are bruitally judged by white men on their size and appearance. That does not mean that a white woman wants a black man that has no financial security and a black man desires a white woman that is out of shape or unkempt, but people who are consistantly judged tend not to do it to each other as quickly. Ultimately, it should come down to is this person for you and not the color of your skin, which is a trivial reason to pick a mate.
  • i think that women are generally more accepting and that males have a certain tradition to uphold like "the family name" and what have you. i guess in a way i think its because when a woman gets married she often (used to) take her husbands name, so when the woman got married she would be assimilated into her husbands family. where as when men get married their wives (sometimes) take their last name so if the woman was of a different race, she would always be around bearing that last name. i cant really think of another reason... also well i guess i noticed that some, but certainly not all, black girls have bad attitudes and act out rudely, which allows all other races to stereotype every black female based on a scelect few, and because of that white males are turned off or simply, affraid of black females.
  • As compared to interracial relationships between which groups? There are more races than just Blacks and Caucasians. I'm in an interracial relationship with an East Indian, and I know quite a few such relationships. One of my friends is a Caucasian woman living with a Chinese man. A former friend was a Black woman living with a Caucasian woman. My other friend's father is Caucasian, and her mother is Filipino. I think that you see more interracial relationships between Black men and Caucasian women because of your perception.
  • Black men seem more forgiving of women's looks, in general, while many white men wouldn't even try to get to know them. Personality DOES play into the mix, and there are many not particularly attractive white women who would be wonderful wives/mothers. But again, white men look at the wrapping first, and if they are not interested, look on. When they can get past that, they are usually older and have learned that looks don't mean EVERYTHING. (Not all ever DO learn this.) Black women seem to be more opinionated and ... "vocal" (read louder) ... at home, in church, etc., than many white women. Maybe this is because they are less inhibited. And, naybe this has something to do with it, I don't know. This can be scary to any man. I dated a black lady for a couple of years. She had been married to a white man for years. She, also, was very vocal about a lot of things, and it wasn't any part of my consideration. Still, I could see where some men could be "put off" by this. I've also found, probably because of stereotypes, that a heavier (not necessarily obese) black woman looks better the majority of the time than a similarly-sized white woman. Again, I think this has to do with stereo-types, but I DO believe it's true. It's the way we were brought up. (I hope this doesn't offend anyone, it's just an observation I've made over the years.)
  • Maybe the White woman and Black men are the only ones we pay attention to ...but i also notice it. I have no idea why...but if its true love im glad to finally break the barriers.
  • Statistically you are correct - IF you limit your review of interracial relationships to African Americans. This is borne out by U.S. Census reports, as well as the annual study done by the National Urban League - The State of Black America. Black women are getting on the bandwagon though, and dating and marrying men of other races (non-Black men) at an increasing rate. Black women are tired of being single, and if Black men don't want to marry Black women, there seems to be plenty of other men in the world that find such women attractive, sexy and desirable. Someone above already printed statistics which show clearly that the largest number of interracial unions are between White men and women of other races though. Ms. HeartBeat AskHeartBeat! Black Love & Interracial Relationships Advice
  • I asked a question in this regard a few months back and I got SLAAAAASHED!!!! Soooooooooo many people took it sooooo personal!! I wanted to know FROM BLACK MEN WHO ONLY DATE WHITE WOMEN OR WOMEN OF OTHER RACES, why is it that in the USA, I hardly ever see a black man with a black woman....oh man the responses I got! And here's the ironic part: only people who this question was NOT directed to answered the question! Maybe it's more obvious because of the physical contrasts, but it's true, "interraial" doesn't refer only to black and white. I wanted to know why it is that some black men only date white women, but my question was never really answered. I had noticed it a bit, but it REALLY hit me when I went out on a date with a black gentleman to a prestigious banquet held in celebration of them purchasing old WWII aircraft. There were at least 8 black men in attendance, and NOT ONE black woman. NO ONE brought a black woman as a date. Am I inhuman to wonder what was up with this? I'm really glad we live in a place/time where we can all date whoever we want. With all the beautiful black women I see, I couldn't help (yes, I admit it, I ACTUALLY have noticed) that I see a black man and black woman only once in a while. and btw IN MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, the white women who I PERSONALLY have seen in relationships with black men WERE treated badly. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME OR THAT THIS IS THE NORM!!! I AM NOT RIDING A STEREOTYPE HIGH HORSE HERE!!! (chill out on me people, PLEASE!) I AM SAYING THAT IT'S WHAT I PERSONALLY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO (having lived in four different cities all over the United States)
  • my experience is that black men are well endowed and will give more pleasure.
  • Perhaps women are less discriminating in that regard? There is no way I can know. I don't want to make a generalization without factual evidence. Just posing a possibility.
  • actually there are alot of interacial relationships.. look around you, theres lots of ppl who are together who arent the same race. Black and white people isnt the only meaning of an interacial couple... lol
  • Well, people want to blame the media. It just attraction and all.
  • This is just a guess but it seems like there is more emphasis on black men with white women in the media while in reality it's probably pretty close to even. There are a lot of rap videos with white women in the background but you don't see a lot of black female rappers glamorizing white men and treating them as sex objects. I think a lot of it has to do with the way women in general are sexualized in the media.
  • cuz most of black women are unwanted by men, also most of white guys are not wanted by women.
  • From my experience white girls enjoy being pursued by black men with the thrill of the sex to follow. I am a black man with a small penis, I find it very easy to talk to white girls and to get them back to my appartment, but as soon as they see my penis it's all over, 9 times out of 10 they make there excuses and leave.
  • All perspective, I am a white male who has been married three times, first was asian, second was black, and presently married to a latina, still joke about having my own rainbow coalition.
  • They must have found someone special to love, and arent looking a the color of their skin, and being a racist.
  • because white women are open minded while iam afraid black women are close minded.
  • Does it really matter????? We're people, human beings, it's 2008 for Gods sake, people fall in love, do they have to explain to anyone why?
  • The sex was that great!
  • i see alot of white men w/ asian women :)
  • I think your around a crowd that just happens to be that way. depends where you are. I see it more the other way around
  • Most Black women cannot deal with the peeweeness of white men . They must have a King kong.
  • white me are not attracted to black women that is very true more black men date white women me my self would never have a white man the white man then messed up everything for us black peolpe that just why other races of people dont like us i found out that asian people dont like dark skinned blacks they think that dark skinned black are dirty the only race of people i like are blacks i dont like white indians asians and russians and jewishs
  • For the most part, I treat them as I would treat any other person who treats me with respect. Hey, Im a young guy so I will be honest and say that Im not perfect and may run some game from time to time as do most guys my age do but overall when we are over and done thats it. If they still want to hook up that is their business you know? And that I dont call gamin' thats just sex.
  • I know I date black men because usually they aren't afraid to be them. I've gotten treated better an felt better about myself with them. I love everything about a black man. (Smell, confidence, composure, voice, skin color, etc)
  • this is because black men typically have longer shlongs then white men do so white women like it and black women are used to something bigger.
  • its been a "taboo" for so long considered forbidden that most people do it out of curiosity or to rebel....
  • I am a black male however, one of my close friends that I have known for many years is a white male and he told me that the reason you see so many black men with white women is because alot of white women are full figured or not slim and most white men do not want a woman unless she is slim. He said that many black men do not care and actually like women with some weight, which attracts many white women to black men. He also said that black men do not like a woman who gives them alot of back talk and argument for no reason or if he makes any kind of decison and that most white women are submissive in that sense and tend to do what their man tells them to do unless it is totally wrong because they do not like to argue. He said that this also brings alot of black males and white women together. He said that many white women like sex alot and have heard positive sexual things about black men and secrectly desire to experience it for themselves. He said that black women as a whole do not like sex as much as white women and black men like sex alot, which also brings them together. He also said that as men and women age they all like less conflict and bickering and since white women never were that way towards their man they have an advantage over black women and that advantage is now great due to the shortage of black men because many are in jail or not viable. He also said that most white men like younger women (in their 20's) opposed to black men who do not care if the women is over 35yrs old as long as she is a woman and respects them. Laslty he said that many black men have always wanted to be with a white women just as many white women have always wanted to be with a black male however, in the past it was forbidden where as now it is accepted so black men and white women can have what they always really wanted.
  • question of taste we seem to like what we are not .
  • I think that females care more about what their friends and family may think, but men pretty much do what men want to do.
  • To me im at the moment im dateing an whtie girl. its cuz to most black guy black girl are a little crazy. They always yell bout things that dont matter and are alway looking for a figth.And i and most guys dont like that. now if it was an black girl actting white then yes we would go with her.
  • Will I don't know, are U with that sort of relationship or not >> Black or white they are human being and adults they can take the good decision in their life?
  • White girls are generally easy, uninhibited sexually and will do things for her man that a sista would kill the guy if he asked her to do it. Very few Black guys marry White women they want Brown Sugar to marry.
  • Maybe they are fed up with their own race of women and are trying something different
  • I think that the media and popular culture have a certain play into this. Think about it... the black guy has become glorified by most media outlets while the white guy is often portrayed as un-hip, kooky, and nerdy.
  • In many cases I believe it to be a simple case of self loathing at the root of this phenomenon.
  • Watch Chris Rock's latest stand-up. He explains this in lengthy detail. >:)
  • Where I live, there are people from more countries and more ethnic/racial backgrounds and more people of mixed racial background than anywhere in the U.S. My kids are a mixed of 3 major races and at least half of their friends are mixed. We believe more will be added to your life and family. We never think something will be lost. But when I read answers like these, it makes me realize that the rest of the world isn't quite the same.
  • Because falling in love or lust with someone has NOTHING to do with the colour of a persons skin...
  • Bottom line. I don't think it is necessarily the black man choosing the white woman but rather the white woman choosing the black man. Normally the man initiates the woman, but ultimately it is the woman who makes the final decision, so it is the woman who chooses the man!
  • i usually find that when the man is black and the women is white they are usually a working class family and when the father is white and the mother black they are usually middle-upper class. i live in west london and thats definately the case here.
  • because they are opposite a black men is so different from a white men black men are naturally more aggressive and down to earth and white women are more sensitive and easy to deal with than a black woman; w a black woman are physically and emotionally stronger and a lot more feisty and naturally more aggressive than a white woman. its that opposite attraction especially when it comes to black men and white women
  • Cuz white women sometimes want to just get shattered by a big fat black dick :)
  • In response to answer are an absolute moron. There is no genetic pre-dispositions that black men all have bigger "units" than other races. Whether you are indian, arab, white, or black.......the size depends on your genetic make-up. But besides that point, theres no specific reason for why interracial couples and/or marriages are still progressively growing. If a couple relates to each other, cares for them, cherishes them and loves them......they dig deeper than just the skin tone. Prime example..........I'm a white male dating a salvadorean/latino woman. We are truly happy and will one day be married. So open up your mind and stop being so judgemental based upon the type of people you view and the stereotypes you drum up.
  • because wite girls love the way most black guys look like and act like and just like everything about them
  • look like and sound like and act like? Wow sounds like bias to me. HAHA. REAL original thought there.....
  • All three of the black women I know are either dating or married to a white guy. (One couple especially are so cute together it almost makes me want to wretch.) I rarely see black men with white women. In fact, it's becoming less common in recent years.
  • Men are attracted to the fair color of the women...and do all to entice the women folklore... as simple as such... ;)
  • Because chocolate and vanilla is a heckuva combination! Just ask the Jello pudding cup manufacturers!

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