• Is it 100% dead? Or does it just not work properly? Big difference. If it's not working at all then the cable may be damaged or disconnected at some point. It is also possible (unlikely, but still possible) that the speed sensor you put in could be defective. The whole setup is pretty simple. Speed sensor>ECU>gauge cluster. Somewhere along the way the signal isn't getting through. My guess is that the ECU is fine. The speed sensor you say is new, and same for the cluster. So, all I can really think of is double checking the connections. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I'm sure another ABer will correct me if that's the case :) Good luck, Hope this helps
  • I have a 97 and have had 4 dash clusters put in. Each time the speedometer works for a while, then it bounces, then stops working altogether. It has to be something in the wiring or the sensor off the transmission.. that is probably the last place to look. If you plan on driving it until it dies completely, I wouldn't bother with another dash cluster as it won't matter the mileage it registers, and the ECU is $400.00, and the wiring harness is $1000.00 to replace.. If you figure out the prolem though let me know.. I wouldn't mind knowing how you fixed it.
  • I've had this exact problem with 2 of my Neons. Clusters fixed both of them. I just put used ones in...the odometer is quite easy to change over to the newer cluster.
  • I have a manual 98 neon and tried all of the above and just discovered that my problem is in the transmission. The transmission isn't spinning the speedometer sensor because there is a stripped or broken gear. You may hear a rattle in the transmission mine does but stops when you put the clutch in. One way to check is to take your speed sensor out spin the shaft with your finger or a drill with the wires still hooked up and see if your speedometer moves.

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