• How fast are you walking? I need to know to calculate a reply to the first part. In order to lose or burn one pound of fat you have to burn 3500 calories more than you consume. For example, if you burned 500 more calories per day than you ate, in seven days you would have burned enough extra fat to lose one pound. If you just stopped eating you would lose fat too, with detriment to the body since your body would eat its muscles and organs too. (Edit for typo - read below - Good Eye, Good Catch!)
  • Depends on your size and the intensity of your walk. A larger person burns more calories to move his/her body. Speed, and whether or not you add additional resistance (ankle or hand weights) will also contribute to your calorie burn. Without added resistance, walking 4 mph will burn 4.5 calories per minute for an adult weighing under 115 lbs., 5 calories per minute for a person weighing ~127-137 lbs. and 6 calories per minute for a person weighing ~160-170 and 6.8 calories per minute for a person weighing ~180-200 lbs. About 3,500 calories equates to a pound of body fat. You can reach the 3,500 through exercise alone (most effective at pure *fat* loss) or through a combination of diet restriction and exercise (more manageable). If you cut calories too much, you'll lose muscle as well as fat (which slows your metabolism). Try to cut calories by no more than 20% and burn the rest off via exercise for the most sustainable long-term fat loss.
  • Not sure for walking, but I do know that if you're running, you will be burning about .75 calories/pound of you/mile (example, 130 pound person running 4 miles= 130*.75*4=390 calories burned)

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