• Toothpastes effectiveness varies from person to person. It dries the pimples to they shrivel up and go away. It works for me... if you want to try i suggest using normal colgate toothpaste
  • It dries up zits, but in the long-term, it can negatively effect your skin anyway. Typically, what happens is overdrying, but the chemicals weren't meant to solve that problem anyway. For me, what happened was, I spotted it on my surprise pimple and the zit shrank...but it wasn't completely gone. It could only get smaller to a certain point, but the color was even more noticeable than it had been before. The shrunken zit took forever to go away. Really, face wash has always been much more effective. Clearasil has something in a tube that cleans my face very well, and Neutrogena's foaming face wash has also helped me get rid of acne fast. Good luck!
  • I dont know,, have never had zits on my teeth!
  • Ive tried it but i heard that only one or two ingredients in a toothpaste actually help the rest could either damage your skin or irritate it. it also doesnt completely go away and if you put it on overnight it is hard to wash off in the morning so the colour of the toothpaste might stay on your skin for a while (meaning like an hour or two after you wash it off)
  • yes for most people, it dries it out but make sure you moisturize your face with a lightweight moisturizer, so your body doesnt produce more oil, therefore creating more pimples.
  • Like others have said before, it depends. Some people find it works wonders, some people find it doesn't do anything and others find it makes the spot worse. As Geekette explained, it works by drying out the skin so it's not a great idea in the long term and I suggest finding a specilist spot stick instead. Also, it's not a good idea if you have a lot of zits. If you're going to try this method, you should only do it for the occasional zit. However, if you want to give it a try, dab toothpaste carefully onto the spot(careful being the key word as, if you get it on the skin around it, you could cause that skin to get really really dry...and then you'll have a whole new set of problems on your hands!!), go to sleep and wash off throughly in the morning.

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