• Less viruses. Computer nerds tend to target Windows based pc's.
  • I have been using Mac for almost five years now, and I can honestly say that Mac represents the most reliable operating system you can buy -- I would NOT switch back to a Windows PC. Most of the well known software available for Windows, also exists for Mac today, and Mac OS X is essentially virus-free. Disadvantages, Mac systems can be a little pricey compared to Windows alternatives, but worth every penny -- Go for it!
  • Can't run any decent games unless you have boot camp, which IS windows... besides that, Macs are better. Because the Mac to Microsoft ratio is small, hackers tend not to even bother with Macs because of the small target group. But that doesn't mean Mac is doing something right. They had more vulnerabilities than Microsoft in 2007, surprisingly.
  • Advantages: More Stable More Dependable More visually appealing More user friendly & "just works" Simplifies a lot of things Less prone to virus, trojans, etc Less prone to hardware issues Disadvantages: More pricey Less control over your computer Less software options Less hardware options Harder to personalize Hardware issues are MUCH more severe when happens More expensive software
  • there are no advantages that i can see with a mac, they are for self concedeced d-bags also so you know i run linux on my dell that have bought 2 years ago and up graded almost every year
  • they work good for design and cad, suck balls for gaming, and business though.( unless your a graphics designer) with the prices now try and get both and there won't be a problem you can't solve
  • A PC is better then a MAC because a MAC can't run exe software that PCs can like Windows. You can't run a MAC on a PC but you can run Windows on a MAC by using bootcamp. a MAC is pretty cool and is less attacked then Windows because Windows is the most popular Operating System in the PC World so it is the most targeted by the hackers. So a MAC could be more secure then Windows but doesn't run WIndows Software. You could run Windows software on a MAC by using Wine (Windows Emulation). Here is what a PC can do: (1)Run exe (executive) files (2)Run Windows (3)Read DRM Protected content (4)Play wmv files Here is what a MAC can do: (1)Is more secure and less targeted then PCs (2)You can run Apple/MAC OSX software (3)You can run MAC software (.dmg) on MACs Macs and PCs are totally different but I recommend using a PC then a MAC. Heres some links to help you out: from that one pages link I posted heres what it says: Macintosh computers have significant advantages over Windows PCs with regard to: * ease of use. 1 * ease of understanding how it operates. * ease of computer maintenance and keeping it operating. * enhanced computer security and privacy. * enhanced computer stability. * enhanced computer productivity.
  • Advantages: You can enjoy the status symbol of showing your friends that you have the money to pay twice as much for a computer as you would if you had bought from another company. Disadvantages: Of the 128,000 computer games available, only 3 will run on the Macintosh.

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