• I think society in general is pretty good about mixed relationships , it's the few individuals that are still screaming about it. Also , I think thats it's more a culture thing at this point than racial that more people aren't doing it.
  • I do not think there is a great deal of resistance to mixed marriages now. Maybe amongst certain groups in society but not in general.
  • In the future, we will no longer be seperate races. Black, white and yellow will mix to such an extent that we will all be Tan.
  • Dating and marrying is a personal thing for each and should not be based on ethnic background. As for society accepting people. I would hope it does, because I'm dating a black girl and plan to marry her. From what I have found most people are alright with it. There are just a few that dont agree or like interracial couples.
  • There is a fact that must be taken into consideration. This acceptance very much depends on social classes. Among Caucasians: Flat middle class and down in the social pyramid, no problem with this issue now or in the future. Upper middle class and further up in the social pyramid, I don't think it will ever change and interracial relations will not be accepted as they are not accepted now. There is another issue that few seem to take into consideration, that is to say that black and Asian native societies do not accept interracial marriages in any of the social classes within the social pyramid. This is a complicated issue now and will be in the future. I personally don't have a problem with interracial relations, but look at this example: An Upper middle class Caucasian woman/man, marries a black or Asian woman/man. Due to her/his education and profession has an excellent job or is a diplomat, if married to a woman/man of another race he will be stuck in his work and will not be promoted. This I know for sure as it is mostly forbidden in many companies for their CEO's or for Diplomats to marry women/men of other nationalities or races. Believe it or not but unfortunately true. Regards.
  • There is alot of interracially dating going on now, and always will be, people have excepted it more now then they did in the past.
  • That would be nice if people did, and get pass ignorance.
  • Yep esp since more people are traveling around the world meeting people of differnt cultures
  • I think interracial marriages are pretty widely accepted now, I am an old man (42), and I can remember in the 70s when that was "taboo", now, thankfully, it's no big deal....
  • why not accept it? it's normal for making a interracial dating, i know a interracial dating site,, ppl there treat others well and seems that thay have the same skin. so i don't think there r some problems with interracial dating.

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