• Talking to yourself is common. When you begin to have actual conversations with yourself I guess this might be abnormal.
  • Talking to yourself is surprisingly normal. I wouldn't worry unless you start to argue with yourself and threaten yourself.
  • When you ask yourself a question in your head such as what do I want for lunch and then you answer (to yourself) burgers. Isn't that having a conversation with yourself? :)
  • I do on ocassion. Sometimes for hours and hours. My friends have called me crazy many times before, but being crazy isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  • I honestly believe that everyone talk to themselves, but once you start arguing or having actual conversations with yourself then there might be something wrong.
  • I talk to myself all the time. Make comments to myself, ask myself questions, and give myself answers. All out loud. I don't think its a problem. I think the moment there may be something wrong with that is if you can't control it.. if you are saying things out loud that shouldn't be said... if you are being inappropriate. I tend to do it only when I'm alone, or mostly alone and working on something. In fact, all my co-workers do that. I hear them in their offices. If I am crazy for this, at least I fit in where I work!
  • I talk to myself a lot. Just when I'm by myself though. I talk kind of like i've got another person there listening to me. As I'm questioning myself, i just answer too. I wouldn't say its a bad thing at all. I don't know anyone that talks to themselves.
  • I talk to myself, yet I have papers that say I might be a nut-so I'm really not sure. Am I even having this conversation or is it just one of my many rambling be the judge.
  • I would find it amusing if you started to talk to your self, and then start in a arguement and punch yourself and you can think of the rest, but i talk to myself ocassionally.
  • As long as you don't answer yorself everthing is cool.
  • Alot of people talk to themselves. It has nothing to do with anything except you are thinking out loud and trying to process things. It is not even unusual to answer your own questions. Don't worry about it.
  • I talk to myself all the time. Sometimes it's easier for me to say things out loud. It's a way of venting to myself. When I'm upset, I tell myself to calm down. When I'm sad, I tell myself to get over it cause tomorrow is another day and life goes on. I think it's perfectly normal, whatever normal may be.
  • i talk to myself... but then again i may be crazzy, but everyone thinks to themselves so if ur talkin to urself its pretty much the same thing
  • Just us crazy people. Don't you agree ? Yup, I sure do. There, it's unanimous.
  • i dont talk out loud to myself, just in my head. but what i do do, which no-one else seems to do is plan conversations i might have with other people in my head so i know what to say. weird huh? but im not worried because its suprisingly useful and sometimes, the conversations actually come true!!!
  • I have an acting background, so when I talk to myself (which I do a lot... often times, out loud) I know I am actively engaging in a rehearsal of sorts. I love debating, but I hate looking like a fool when I have no response to a seemingly simple question/point, which is why I think I do it. To be better prepared, I also must play the devil's advocate and ask and answer my own questions... It also helps to organize the thoughts, as I'm kind of a scatterbrain... speaking the important thoughts out loud sometimes helps to cement them in...
  • I do it all the time. its the only way to have an intelligent conversation.
  • I know I do. No I don’t. I do so! Yeah, right. Seriously! Talk to the hand.
  • It's ok to talk to yourself, but if yourself talks back then you have a two way conversation going on. Maybe you can talk your way into or out of something. In this way, we are all crazy but at least resourceful.

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