• "Smelly Cat" was a song written by Phoebe on the NBC sitcom "Friends." It originally appeared very early in the series... I might be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure she originally wrote the song in a first season (1994-95) episode where there was a blackout and they found a cat, which, of course, smelled bad. The lyrics were as follows: "Smelly cat, smelly cat, What are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat, It's not your fault" The song came back in later episodes... a record producer signed Phoebe to make a video of the song in the second season, and sometime in the third season Phoebe's former friend and partner sells the song to a kitty litter company, who turn it into a cheezy commercial jingle.
  • Here is the full song: Pheobe - "Smelly Cat" Smelly Cat, Smelly cat what are they feeding you? Smelly Cat, smelly cat it's not your fault... They won't take you to the vet. You're obviously not their favorite pet. You may not be a bed of roses, And you're no friend to those with noses. Smelly cat, smelly cat what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat it's not your fault If you want to play along use the chord progression: E, A, D, A
  • i no there is a song called what kind of cat are you?!

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