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  • Learn some of these Taoist Secrets of Love exercises ... ... this is a site with self control lessons ... it is NOT porn ...
  • Tape, caulk, glue, corks, and sutures.
  • Uh... don't really think that's possible, sorry. If you had enough time, like a month beforehand, you could go to extremes like stop eating, that kind of thing.
  • I am not entirely sure. I have heard ladies talk about taking a cold bath/shower/swimming before and it stops it for a few hours. I have not swam while on my period so I cannot tell and am not a fan of cold showers, especially when on period! Another more serious way of doing it is delaying it using Norethisterone, which I don't recommend. You rather just wait until after you're done if you feel too uncomfortable with doing it during your time.
  • A warm bath will stop it for about 15 minutes BUT if you are planing intercourse it will start when you have penitration.
  • If you were planning to get married or taking a vacation and wanted to be sure your menses would not start on the date, you can use birth control pills to adjust your cycle.
  • You can't, without medication. During sex, your uterus contracts, and you can actually increase your menstrual flow temporarily. Your body doesn't have a master switch for your bodily functions. It's like asking how you can avoid urinating for the next week while you're on a road trip.
  • Go on the Pill. You are supposed to take it for 3 weeks and then have a week off so you can have your "period" (it's not a real period). If I had something planned (like a weekend away with my boyfriend) which would be during my "period" week, I would not take the week off, but go onto my next packet. This way I did not have a "period". It turns out that some women do this all the time with the Pill, and do not have "periods". My doctor told me it causes no harm. I didn't do it all the time because I quite like periods - it means you're not pregnant (it should do anyway).
  • i was told if you douche it will stop for up to an hour
  • Ok. Why would you pick the first answer as the top answer??? It was written by a guy and they have know clue to women's health!!!! Shame on you-you should know better.

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