• That is impossible. Even if you have been dead for a month, you can still smell.
  • Anosmia. Anosmia is the absence of the sense of smell. Smell loss can be partial or complete, and can be a result of an injury, illness, or can be congenital. People with a normal sense of smell confuse the sensations given to them by their tongue (sweet, salty, etc.) with those they detect using their nose. So, people with anosmia also have a limited sense of what many people would regard as taste
  • Answer above is correct. I lost my sense of smell due to a bad cold. I excaberated it by smoking cigars and drinking. The sense of smell has to be relearned by the brain. It is a slow process. The funny thing is I can smell different things I never smelled before.
  • My wife said they are called smurfs, like the cartoon. hahaha!
  • That is a good question
  • some would say lucky. just think of the nasty smells.
  • The unsmellables

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