• Except in the deep Arctic or Antarctic regions near the poles, seeds have enough environment potentials to grow as trees and forest. The forest grows as the glacier recedes. When the glacier advances, the forest growth is reduced. This process goes through short and long cycles.
  • So, if it is growing on stagnant ice, does the ice continue to move or has it stopped moving altogether?
  • I have never heard of this happening. Perhaps it would help if you were to provide some more information as to where it is occurring.
  • In Alaska there is a forest on the Malaspina Glacier.The forest covering the greater portion of the lowlands extends up over the moraine covered bluff of ice and thence inland on the surface of a glacier for 4-5 miles.On account of the melting of the ice the debris and vegetation on the steeper slopes frequently slip down in small landslides,forming a chotic accumulation of boulders and uprooted trees.

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