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  • Yes. Estrogens (also called oestrogens) are a group of steroid compounds that function as the primary female sex hormone. They are produced primarily by developing follicles in the ovaries, the corpus luteum and the placenta. Some estrogens are also produced in smaller amounts by other tissues such as liver, adrenal glands and the breasts. The three naturally occurring estrogens are estradiol (estradiol), estriol (estriol) and estrone (estrone). In the body these are all produced from androgens through enzyme action. Estradiol is produced from testosterone and estrone from androstenedione. Estrone is weaker than estradiol, and in post-menopausal women more estrone is present than estradiol. While estrogens are present in both men and women, it is found in women in significantly higher quantities.
  • Those are good points but men don't have ovaries and the question was about men. For men, estrogen is produced in the Leydig and germ cells of the testis in relatively small amounts. It is also produced elsewhere in the body, liver, adrenal glands, and fat cells as others have mentioned. It is important in maintaining the normal functioning of the adult male reproductive tract--- It also has affects on male libido---

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