• Yes to both, I believe.
  • I've seen the prices lately, and diamonds still top emeralds by price, but yet, I've seen more diamonds than emeralds before.
  • Depends on the cut,color and if there are any imperfections. It also depends on what kind diamond your looking for some are more valuable then others. Emeralds have a chemical makeup that scientists are still trying to perfect, so basically every thing varies.
  • Yea,There harder to find.
  • If you had a flawless(without inclusions) diamond and a flawless emerald of equal carat weight, the emerald wins by far. However, because diamonds are much more desireable and because it is extrememly rare to even find an emerald that is flawless or less than small inclusions(much more rare than in diamonds)diamonds fetch much more money on the market overall. In other words, diamonds of higher quality are more common and look nicer than emeralds.
  • Diamonds are not rare. Emeralds are very rare. The reason diamonds are more expensive than emeralds is due to the large market for them. People desire diamonds more so than emeralds. The people who trade in precious stones have to keep a market going and the most abundant precious stone is the diamond. The quality of them is more easily definable and has been established for the longest amount of time. Emeralds are not as easy to deal with. They are in fewer places and in shorter supply. Diamonds on the other hand are all over the world. Different areas produce different stones. It all has to do with what can be traded or sold. Like I said diamonds are not as rare yet are more expensive due to the larger market they are a part of (the diamond market). Emeralds are in a smaller market vying for the top spot in the precious stone market. As of now they are not as sought after nor are they as expensive as diamonds. In many years the supply of emeralds will be stagnant. It is then that their price along with the other precious stones prices, rubies, sapphires, ect, which are all rarer than diamonds will gain in value. But this does not mean that a still healthy supply of diamonds will depreciate the value of the diamonds either. Competition from other stones in the scenario I have presented will just fuel an already healthy diamond market and increase their worth as well. Precious stones are a worthy investment any way you can get a hold of them. You probably won't live long enough to reap the long term benefits of buying emeralds or any other of the rarer stones, other than appreciating them for their beauty. So if you are looking for a short term turn around for your investment, buy a diamond, they have the widest range of quality available and come in a variety of colors and sizes. You should check out chocolate diamonds.

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